Vacation Bible School Registration Link


           Our Mission

LWAM Kids serves children, grades Pre-school through 5th grade, by providing a safe environment that engages learning the word of GOD in a fun and impactful way.

“Let the children come to me and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

Representing God's Love Daily


In Preschool (1 – 4 years) our LWAM Kids will experience worship, engaging activities, and age-appropriate Bible teaching.  Our desire is that your child experiences the presence of GOD and grows in their relationship with Him.  Throughout your preschooler’s journey with us, we’ll focus on 3 key principles:  GOD Made them; GOD Loves them; Jesus Wants to be their friend forever!  As we partner with you, it is our goal to help develop your child’s faith and make what matters, matter more!

Elementary School

In Elementary (K-5th Grade), our LWAM Kids learn how to grow up making wiser choices, build stronger relationships, and develop a deeper faith because of the gospel shared in church.  Your children will experience intentional worship, participate in engaging activities, and learn applicable Bible teaching all while having fun!  It is our goal that your LWAM Kids leave better implementing their LWAM Kids Expectations and completing their Biblical lessons each week to help them grow in their relationship with GOD.

Parent Cue App

Want quick access to great Bible story videos, activities to do with your children, and parenting articles about the phase our child is in? Download the Parent Cue App and take advantage of the time you have with your kids.

Bible App for Kids

Parents, we also encourage you to download the Bible App for Kids. This resource will help reiterate the Bible stories we share with our Kingdom Kids.